Today, thanks to recent advances in technology, hair removal costs far less than it did a few years ago. Pro Clinics are experts in using advanced specialist IPL machines to effectively remove unwanted hair. By using the most modern and effective technology available, we have significantly reduced the average treatment length and subsequently, the overall cost.
Pro Clinics advise that a typical laser hair removal treatment course will comprise on average, of six to eight sessions in order to obtain the optimum results. It is recommended that a space of six to eight weeks is allowed between each session, in order for the treatment to have the maximum impact.
Average sessions take anywhere from just 30 minutes, through to around one hour for larger areas. During your initial consultation, our specialists will evaluate your individual requirements, and answer any questions that you may have concerning your treatment.
What is IPL?
Intense Pulsed Light is a technology where light is converted into heat energy. Treatments are like a very powerful camera flash lamp being held against your skin.
The selected light waves target chromophores (colour pigments) such as melanin in brown spots and freckles; and such as haemoglobin in broken or diffused blood vessels. The light waves can also target specific protein molecules in acne bacteria and in collagen. IPL treats all conditions without disruption to the skin’s surface.
What is the difference between IPL and Laser?
Lasers have been used in surgery for years. The IPL is an adaptation of the laser, more suited to the beauty industry. The biggest difference between laser and IPL, as far as treatment is concerned, is the coverage. The laser beam is very narrow, only covering a small spot at a time, while IPL coverage is several times the area, and therefore treatments are much quicker.
Lasers produce light from one specific wavelength, or colour, for a very specific target. The light emitted from the IPL is composed of a spectrum of colours from different wavelengths, enabling selective photo-absorption (light absorption) to different targets. In other words, using the IPL is like using a group of lasers in a single treatment.
Are all skin types suitable for IPL hair removal treatment?
Light produced by a laser and by IPL is absorbed by the colour pigment, melanin, which is present in our hair and skin. Caution is required when treating people with dark skins, Asian skins and some other skins which tan very easily. Hyper-pigmentation or blanching of the skin is likely to occur if there is too much melanin present in the skin. It is possible to treat medium to medium/dark skins on a low intensity.
The consultation process and a test patch, will determine whether each individual can be treated. Strict guidelines are adhered to, when treating darker skinned people, using only low levels of intensity at each session, and therefore more treatments will be needed to achieve a result. Skins such as Black, Melanesian and some darker Indian skins are not treatable for IPL hair removal.
How does IPL hair removal work?
Intense Pulsed Light targets the colour pigment (melanin) in the hairs. Therefore white hairs can not be treated. Dark hairs on fair skin have the best and quickest results. Fair hairs will require extra treatments with lesser results. Caution is required when treating hairs on darker skins; this is explained below and would be discussed more fully during your consultation.
Hairs grow in constant cycles – firstly hairs are actively growing, then they become dormant (resting), and finally they loosen and shed, only to be replaced by more new, actively growing hairs.
Only hair follicles in the active growth stage are disabled by IPL treatments. Hairs in the dormant stage of the growth cycle normally remain anchored in the follicles for weeks or months, depending on their location, but their follicles and associated hair germination cells are not disabled by IPL treatments. These follicles will be treated in subsequent sessions. This is why you need repeat sessions. Hair growth becomes sparser with each session. All treated hairs should shed within about two weeks.
How often will I need IPL hair removal treatments?
A course of 5 to 10 treatments is usually required to treat hairs at all stages of the hair growth cycle, at 3 to 6 week intervals; which varies depending on hair type and colour, and the location being treated. Fair hairs will require extra treatments. White hairs can not be treated.
A maintenance session may be necessary from time to time, due to the development of new hair growth appearing, as our hormonal balance continues to change with age, or due to the influence of stress, illness, disease and drugs i.e; steroids or contraceptive pills.
What does IPL hair removal feel like?
Clients may feel a slight sting, similar to the flick of a rubber band against your skin. It is certainly not unbearable, and we can always reduce the intensity if you feel the need. Immediately after some treatments, you may feel a mild heat for a few minutes or a couple of hours, but after most treatments, you will feel next to nothing at all.
How will my skin look after my IPL hair removal treatment?
After hair removal treatments it is common to see a slight swelling at the mouth of each hair follicle, similar to goose bumps. This appearance should disappear within an hour or so.
How should I care for my skin following my IPL hair removal treatment?
For 24 hours after each IPL treatment:
- No sun exposure or UV exposure of sun beds
- Wear sun block with both UVA and UVB protection
- No depilatory, AHA, Glycolic or Salicylic creams
- No very hot baths or showers – tepid water only
- No heat treatments e.g. sauna
- No swimming in chlorinated pools or spa baths
- No deodorant – if underarms treated
- No perfumes, highly perfumed soaps or lotions, etc.